Thursday Sep 26, 2019

Episode 2 - I am a vegan d**khead .mp3

NOT a shouty vegan on a soapbox but a critical discussion about veganism and sustainability between the Nelly siblings; one a vegan and one a raging meat eater.

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It's NYD in Skippy land and we thought let's start off 2020 listening to your podcast the pros and cons of becoming a Vegan. Well you certainly enlightened us in many aspects!! I am a big milk drinker and can't say I will be looking at my glass of milk in the same light again, the poor dairy cow! We enjoyed listening to you both immensley and will look forward to continuing the discussions up the track! On a final note as Australia has drought conditions more than not they promote this saying to save water "when it's yellow let it mellow when it's brown flush it down" we will look forward to sharing your loo with you Caroline soon! ☺

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019


Yes Caroline I enjoyed the content and humour between the pair of you immensely. Great listen. Well done!!!!! P.S. Was that Patrick or Christian Bale????? Ooosh.

Thursday Sep 26, 2019


Amazing job Caroline ❤️ great info

Thursday Sep 26, 2019

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